Charred Fava Beans with Lemon and Aleppo

Charred Fava Beans with Lemon and Aleppo

A Note from Feedfeed

photo by @mollyjean4

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Fava Beans are one of my absolutely favorite vegetables, but I often avoid them because the labor needed to prep them. First they need to be shelled, then blanched, then each bean needs to be peeled. Before I had my son my sisters (who are older and wiser) used to laugh at me warning me as soon as I had a child gone would be the days of spending hours on a single meal. Shelling and blanching favas was a luxury; spaghetti casseroles were soon to replace handmade pasta with morels.  

Fast forward two years and one wild child later and turns out, like most things, they were right.  However, I’m quite stubborn and last Spring I bought an obscene amount of favas because I just couldn’t resist. Days kept going by, and those pods were not going to prep themselves. I did a quick Google search and learned fava pods are totally safe to eat so I tossed the lot of them in a screaming hot pan, added a little lemon juice, flaky salt and Aleppo pepper and had myself a fava feast. I followed it up with a mean casserole, but at least I had my fava moment!

Make a batch to snack on, as an appetizer, or to accompany a Spring supper!


Recipe and Headnote Molly Adams

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  • Recipe Card
Prep time 5mins
Cook time 6mins
Serves or Makes: 4

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  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 pound fava beans, fresh in pods, rinsed and dried
  • 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
  • Flaked salt, to taste
  • Aleppo pepper, to taste


  • Step 1

    In a large cast iron skillet, heat oil over high heat until shimmering. Working in two batches, add half of fava beans and cook, tossing often, until charred in some spots; about 3 minutes. Repeat with the remaining fava beans. Remove from heat and add to a large heat-safe bowl. Toss with lemon juice, flaky salt and Aleppo pepper to taste. Serve warm.

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