What is feedfeed?
Feedfeed is your daily source of inspiration for what to cook, bake, eat and drink, reaching 55M food lovers each month. We are one of the world’s largest social media food & lifestyle publications fueled by a worldwide community of homecooks, foodies, and food industry pros, that tag their social media posts with #feedfeed. Each month, 50K+ posts per month are shared on our hashtag, serving as a real time peak into culinary trends around the world. Our Team uses the hashtag to discover new food trends, emerging content creators, influencers, and the best content to feature on our channels. #feedfeed has helped us build lasting relationships and connect all the participants of the food world in a meaningful way.
How did feedfeed start?
As Instagram became widely adopted in 2013, Feedfeed’s founders began a personal journey to cook and eat local, seasonal food, harvesting it themselves through their local CSA. They began looking to social networks to connect with other cooks, while creating a call to action with #feedfeed as a way for content creators to share their photos and recipes with each other. There was immediate traction with homecooks, bloggers, chefs, and others in the food industry. Nearly every food related photo began to use the #feedfeed tag inspiring Feedfeed to incorporate as a company with the mission to curate great food content, promote talented creators on all social platforms, and inspire people to cook more often.
How can you get involved?

Create an account as a creator or just a food lover to save content, follow creators, join our newsletter, or submit your own recipes which we often feature.

We host events all over the US, register to stay in the loop

Are you a content creator, food pro, producer, or brand? Learn More

Other questions? partnerships@thefeedfeed.com
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