Homemade Coconut Mylk

Homemade Coconut Mylk
"COCONUT MYLK RECIPE Have you ever looked at the ingredients on the back of your coconut mylk box? Does it have additives and fillers? What is the percentage of actual coconut? My Pa is Samoan and I remember him telling me years ago how he loved making fresh coconut milk. As a kid he they would collect fresh coconuts, crack them open, scoop out the flesh and grind it down to a paste then add water and gently heat.My 20 year old self thought this sounded too complicated so it wasn't until years later I finally tried my own at home version. No this else compares. This is the simplest, tastiest and easiest thing to make and it is so creamy"
-- @nourishedbynatajshia

Coconut Mylk

Makes just under 1 litre


1 cup of organic shredded coconut
4 cups of filtered boiling water
1/2 Tsp of vanilla powder or essence

Pinch of salt


In a large bowl add coconut and pour over boiling water.

Let it sit for a minute or two before pouring into a blender or food processor (if you have a thermionic or vitamin you can also just add the coconut and water and heat for 2 mins)

Blend on high-speed for two minutes until mylk is frothy ▪Let it sit for a minute so the pulp settles to the bottom and is cooled slightly

Strain using muslin cloth or the best tip ever into an airtight container. Add vanilla, salt and shake. The flavours will infuse and intensify as it cools.

Store in the fridge and it lasts up to a week. Give it a shake before using it in your smoothies, curries, coffees, golden mylks or on its own with a sprinkle of cinnamon or a dash of honey

For a more creamier intense mylk, add an additional half a cup of coconut

Double the recipe if you go thought it as quick as I do

Adding salt helps it keep longer

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