Pain Au Chocolat

"Varme croissanter, rett ut av ovnen, da snakker vi. Selv om det tar litt tid å lage croissanter så er det ikke så vanskelig. Jeg har skrevet en detaljert oppskrift på Sjekk den ut."
-- @idagranjansen

Recipe Intro From idagranjansen

Breakfast is served with this flaky, buttery chocolate croissant! 

Pain au chocolat Flour

625 g Sugar

70 g Salt

13 g Fresh yeast

13g Water

155 g Milk

155g Butter

350g Chocolate

200g Sliced ​​almonds

75g Eggs for brushing

1 egg


The first thing you can do is to cut 350 g butter into pieces, place them between two baking sheets and mashing into a square that is approximately 18 x 18 cm.

Place it in the refrigerator, but remove the butter block 20 minutes before you are going to use it. The butter and dough should have equal consistency.

In a food processor bowl with dough hook have flour, sugar and salt, stir together. Crumble in the yeast and mix everything together. Place milk in a bowl and add hot water so that liquid can be a bit lukewarm. Add the liquid along with the dry ingredients and start the machine. Knead for 10 minutes on low speed. Have the dough out on a lightly floured worktop and form a ball.

Use a sharp knife to make four incisions in the dough, like the picture. Cover the dough gently with plastic wrap and let rest for 30 minutes at the kitchen counter. After 30 minutes, leave the dough rest for another 30 minutes in the refrigerator.

Take the dough out and put it on a lightly floured worktop.

Roll from the center outward from the middle. Let the middle part be a bit thick.

Place butter block in the middle of the dough and fold the "flaps" over so you cover the  butter. Roll out into a rectangle that is 50 x 25 cm.

Fold the bottom third over the rectangle, then the top third over. Wrap in plastic wrap and place the dough in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Roll the dough again in one direction only, to get a 50 x 25 cm rectangle. Keep edges straight and even. Repeat the folding process. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and leave to rest for 20 mins in the fridge. Do this procedure 2 more times. Then, wrap dough tightly in plastic wrap and place in refrigerator until the next day or up to 3 days.

Remove the dough from the fridge. Cut the dough in half. Roll each dough in one direction only to get a 40 x 22 cm rectangle. Divide the dough in the middle lengthwise so you have two long strips of 40 x 11 cm. Cut 9 cm wide squares so you have rectangles that are 11 cm long and 9 cm wide.

Place a small chunk of chocolate at the bottom of one rectangle of dough. Fold the dough over the chocolate, then start to roll up, about 1/4 of the way up add another small chunk of chocolate. Finish rolling up the dough. Make sure the seam is underneath the roll of dough. Repeat the process with remaining rectangles of dough.

Place the pains au chocolat on the prepared baking sheet, make sure they have enough space between them to rise. Let them rise for 2-3 hour on room temperature. Preheat the oven to 190°C

Lightly brush the pains au chocolat with egg wash, sprinkle each one with a bit of almond flakes, and bake for 20-25 minutes. Let the pains au chocolat cool slightly on the wire racks before eating.

