Classic Chicago Style Hot Dogs

Classic Chicago Style Hot Dogs
"There are two types of people in Chicago: Cubs fans, and Sox fans; and the only thing they can agree on is: NO KETCHUP (Go Cubs! ?) "
-- @fortheloveoflasagna
The essentials to making a Chicago Dog are:
• Poppy Seed Bun
• All-beef Hot Dogs
• Yellow Mustard
• Diced White Onion
• Pickle Relish (you're supposed to use the neon green stuff, but I just can't bring myself to use it so I made my own version, recipe follows. You're also supposed to have dill pickle spears on them, but I figured this was covered with my dill pickle relish - two birds, one stone ;) )
• Sport Peppers
• Tomato (can be slices or diced)
• Sprinkle of Celery Salt at the end
Amazing you can fit all this on one hot dog, but I've been hooked since trying my first one two years ago and won't eat one any other way now. 
Pickle Relish Recipe
- 8 Dill Pickle Spears, diced
- 1 Cup Apple Cider Vinegar
- 1/4 Cup Juice From Pickle Jar
- 3 Tablespoons Sugar
- 1 Sprig Fresh Dill
Combine vinegar, pickle juice and sugar in a small sauce pan over medium-high heat, bring to a boil. Continue to simmer until reduced by about one third and thickened slightly.  Remove from heat, let cool. In a medium bowl, mix pickles, reduced vinegar mixture and dill sprig. Store in an air tight container in the refrigerator. Let mixture refrigerate overnight before serving. 


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