Taco Tostada With Pomegranate Guacamole

Taco Tostada With Pomegranate Guacamole
"Road tripping it to Dallas for the day with my Mom (stay tuned for pictures of BBQ!) but first I had to post this delicious Taco Tostada with Pomegranate Guacamole, the third recipe this week that shows how to transform your leftover Thanksgiving turkey into delicious new recipes! "
-- @whitneybond

Recipe Intro From whitneybond

Studying this taco from top to bottom, it checks so many boxes: anti-inflammatory benefits from the pomegranates, energy boosting Vitamin B thanks to the avocado, lean protein from the turkey, blood-sugar regulating fiber via the black beans, and satiation and general fun-to-eat factor thanks to the corn tortillas. I'd say this might be a perfect training season dinner, esp during a busy week.
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