Morning Green Juice

Morning Green Juice
"?GOOD MORNING GREEN JUICE ?Refreshing and simple cucumber, celery, apple, lemon & ginger root?Juice and serve chilled?I haven't used my juicer for a while but when I saw it in my cupboard I suddenly craved a delicious, cold and refreshing glass! So happy I did because this morning it's waiting for me in the fridge ? ??Gosh it's Thursday again already! Weekend tomorrow #timeslowdowwwwwn!? #juicing #drinkyourgreens #liquednutrition #healthyeating #foodinspiration #eatarainbow #cleaneats #foodblog #food #juicingforhealth #rawfood #nutrition #nourish #earthfriendlyfood #realfood #dairyfree #wholesomefood #freefrom #gloobyfood #thefeedfeed #thefeedfeedvegan #feedfeed #foodstagram #foodblogger #foodphotography"
-- @the_balanced_kitchen

Recipe Intro From the_balanced_kitchen

A refreshingly cooling elixir with a healthy mix of green veggies and fruits.


2 cucumbers

5 stalks celery

2 apples

1 lemon

2 inches of ginger root


All produce preferably organic. If not organic, soak in apple cider vinegar or a veggie wash and then rinse well. 



Roughly chop items and feed in to your juicer. Retain your pulp to use for other items like crackers, pizza base or as a thickener for soup, etc! It's better to drink your juice immediately as it will contain the most nutrients but it can be stored in an airtight container, in the fridge for up to 3 days.

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