Chicken Avocado Sandwich

with Garam Masala Mayo


Story, By Kevin Masse

When Jules Douglass (@JulesFood) is in the kitchen and behind the camera, chances are, you are going to   end up wanting to eat whatever it is she is photographing. Focusing on quality ingredients, she is able to make   even the most humble of food shine. When the opportunity came to work with Jules, I could not have been   more excited. Here, her genius comes to life in a sandwich that is simple, yet packed with flavor, using Best   Foods new Organic Mayonnaise ­ while she used Original in this recipe, it also comes in Roasted Garlic and   Spicy Chipotle. Rumor has it, Jules got her hands on that Spicy Chipotle, and we are just dying to see what she   does with it.


Chicken Avocado Sandwich with Garam Masala Mayo

Recipe and Photography by Jules Douglass

Makes one Sandwich


2 Tbsp. Best Foods Organic Mayo

1/2 ­ 3/4 tsp Garam Masala, (to taste)*

2 tablespoons hummus of choice

7­-8 thin slices of Roasted organic chicken breast (from about one small chicken breast)

1 Organic ripe avocado, sliced

2 leaves of organic butter lettuce

2 slices gluten free or multigrain bread

Flaky sea salt, to taste

Add Best Foods Mayo and garam masala to a small bowl and whisk together until well combined. Divide   hummus among the two slices    of   bread and spread into an even layer. Next, add the sliced chicken to one slice    of   bread and top with the spiced mayo. Then add avocado and sprinkle with some flaky salt to taste. Add the   lettuce, top with remaining piece of bread, slice in half and enjoy!

*Note: I used 3/4 tsp. You can find garam masala at spice shops and ethnic markets. They vary in flavor   blends, but all have that warm curry flavor unlike yellow curry.