2018, Let's Do this!

our top six ways to eat healthier

It's the beginning of January which means it's time for the obligatory healthy eating kick. This year we're setting realistic resolutions that are easy to stick to. Here are our top six ways to eat healthier for all of 2018!
1) Eat Leafy Greens Everyday
Poached Egg Over Garlicky Spinach and Feta by @thecreativechef
We won't bore you with the benefits of these nutritional powerhouses, just know you should probably be eating more of them. Go beyond the standard salad and work greens into your breakfast routine! They make for a perfect nest for a poached egg.
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Get 50+ Kale and Other Greens Recipes
Get 50+ Salad Recipes
2) Eat More Fish
Pan Seared Salmon with Lemon and Rosemary by @mc685
Don't be intimidated by cooking fish at home. Let your pan be your guide when sautéing, when the fish is ready to be flipped, it will release from the pan with ease.
Get 50+ Salmon Recipes
Get 50+ Fish Recipes
Get 50+ Sustainable Seafood Recipes
3) Make it Yourself!
Rainbow Veggie Udon Noodle Salad with Almond Butter Dressing
From snack foods to on-the go lunches, almost everything is more nutritious when made at home from scratch. Skip the takeout lunch and fill your brown bag with these veggie-packed noodles.
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4) Crave Colors!
Rainbow Winter Citrus Salad with Pistachios and Feta by @practicemakesbreakfast
Eating a more colorful diet is easy with gem-toned winter citrus in season! Make a point to eat the 7 colors of the rainbow everyday, it's easier than you might think!
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Get 50+ Beet Recipes
Get 50+ Eggplant Recipes
Get 50+ Broccoli Recipes
5) Cut Back on Refined Sugar
Homemade Chocolate Hazelnut Spread by @runsandroses
Eating healthy does not have to mean no chocolate! Make this simple 5 ingredient treat to spread on toast, drizzle on yogurt or dip fruit into. It's sweetened naturally with just a touch of honey or maple syrup.
Get 50+ Naturally Sweetened Recipes
6) Eat More Plant-Based Meals.
Check out our Vegan Category for inspiration and our favorite vegan recipes!