Roasted Eggplant Salad with Garlic Riced Cauliflower

"This salad is inspired by a Filipino dish called “Silog” It’s a combination of two Tagalog words. “Si comes from the word sinangag (which is garlic fried rice) and “log” comes from the word itlog (egg!). The rice and egg is usually served with a protein and some fresh tomatoes on the side. In my version I replaced the protein with some meaty eggplant and made some cauliflower fried rice instead, as some of you are probably still in the I’m avoiding gluten and grains stage of the year. All the veggies are served on top of a mix of Asian Greens and dressed with a sesame tamarin sauce. Enjoy!"
-- @rezelkealoha

Recipe Intro From rezelkealoha

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  • Recipe Card
Prep time 10mins
Cook time 30mins
Serves or Makes: Makes 4 Salads

Recipe Card


  • 3 large sliced eggplants
  • 1 cup green beans
  • 1 cup riced cauliflower
  • 3 tomatoes, quartered
  • 4 Eggs
  • 2 tablespoons diced green onions
  • 1/4 cups garlic oil
  • 1 container Salad Greens
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1/2 cups sesame tamari dressing


  • Step 1

    Pre-heat oven to 350. Place the sliced eggplants and green beans on a baking tray and season with 2 tablespoons of the garlic oil and salt and pepper. Place the riced cauliflower on a separate baking tray and season with the remaining garlic oil and salt and pepper.

  • Step 2

    Place in the oven and set timer for 15 minutes. Take out the green beans and put on a platter. The beans have finished cooking. Flip the eggplant slices over and stir the cauliflower rice. Cook for a further 15 minutes until the eggplant slices and cauliflower is nice and brown.

  • Step 3

    While the vegetables are cooking boil some water in a sauce pan. Once the water has started boiling, carefully drop in the eggs and cook for 6 minutes. Take the eggs out of the boiling water and place in a bowl with ice water. Peel the eggs and set aside with the green beans.

  • Step 4

    To Serve Lay out some Asian Greens in a bowl and top with the cauliflower rice and arrange the eggplant, green beans, tomatoes and an egg on top. Garnish with the sliced green onions and serve with the Sesame Tamari Dressing.