Recovery Bone Broth
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"Minna takes you through a quick 5 minute work out and how to make a recovery bone broth at home."
-- @livingminnaly

A Note From feedfeed

For more delicious and healthy recipes by @livingminnaly, check out her blog here!

Recovery Bone Broth



3-4 lbs of Grass-fed Beef Bones (Femur, Knuckles, Marrow, Feet)
10-12 cups filtered Water (just enough to cover bones in pot + 1 inch)
2 medium Onions, chopped into quarters
2 medium Carrots, chopped into 2- inch chunks
3 Celery stalks, chopped into 2-inch chunks
1 Garlic Head, peeled
3 Bay Leaves
1 tbsp Black Peppercorns
1 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
Optional: Ground chili pepper or chili oil to finish

Equipment needed: 8-12 quart Stockpot, Roasting Pan or rimmed baking sheet


*Optional blanching step-- recommended for collagen-rich cuts like knuckles, marrow, and feet


Place bones in stockpot, cover with cool water, and place on stovetop. Bring water to boil, then reduce heat to simmer for 20 seconds. Drain and rinse bones (handle bones carefully, as they are hot)


Preheat oven to 425ºF. Arrange beef bones and garlic on a roasting pan. Place roasting pan in oven for 20-25 minutes. Flip bones and garlic over to ensure even browning, then continue to roast for another 30-40 minutes until deeply browned and fragrant. Remove from oven and set aside.


Place all veggies, bay leaves, peppercorns, and apple cider vinegar in stockpot. Add roasted bones, garlic, and pan drippings, then fill stockpot with water until bones are covered + 1 inch.


Cover pot and bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Reduce heat to a very low simmer and ventilate pot by leaving lid slightly open. Continue to simmer for a minimum of 6 hours but up to 12 hours (the longer, the better), occasionally stirring and skimming excess fat off the surface.


When finished cooking, carefully strain broth using a fine-mesh strainer. Discard bones and vegetable remnants.  


If serving immediately: Add in any flavorings to your preference, such as chili flakes or oil, lemon juice, etc. Use an immersion frother to emulsify, then serve.


If storing: Bone broth can breed bacteria if left to cool down on its own, and you don't want to stick hot containers of broth in your fridge (as it will lower your fridge's temperature and cause other items to spoil). You can add a few ice cubes to the stock to help speed up the process, or pour broth into tightly sealed glass jars and submerge in an ice bath.


Broth can be stored for up to 5-7 days in the fridge, and up to 6 months in the freezer.

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