Belgian Waffle and Toasted Marshmallow Ice Cream S'mores

"Our youngest turned a s’mores-for-breakfast idea I was trying to create (but failing) into our ultimate dessert fantasy! He came up with a homemade Belgian waffle and homemade toasted marshmallow ice cream ‘s’more!’ You read that right - TOASTED MARSHMALLOW ice cream - with a @ghirardelli fudge sauce we whipped up! We had a great time figuring this out together. And it was so damn delicious that he really thought it was a solid entry in @thefeedfeed s’mores #contest! And I couldn’t agree more with my lil one 😘 #feedfeed #abitebetter . . . . #thefeedfeedchocolate #huffposttaste #chicagoblogger #thebakefeed #beckwalshcrew #foodtographyschool #cameraeatsfirst #foodblogfeed #eatprettythings #fromscratch #food52grams #yummygoodness #hereismyfood #eatfortheinsta #onmyplate #foodblogeats #imsomartha #foodieee #thebiteshot #foodgawker #wafflesundae #hotfudge"
-- @kate.the.baker