Crispy Cheddar Cheese And Sunny Side Egg Taco

"Crispy Cheddar Spicy Sunnysides. Quick Taco-Fold w/ smoked ghost pepper to brighten a gloomy day. (Info below) Have a fabulous weekend ! It's been a while since I put info, so here ya go... Non-stick pan with a little butter, low/medium heat. Put a fair amount of grated cheese to cover the pan. Let it melt a "little". Add egg(s). Keep heat low/med. until egg is "almost" done to your liking. Add more cheese if necessary while cooking. Turn the heat up at the end to get crispy bottom and sides. Remove from heat when sides are crispy. Let it 'set' in pan until it slides out in one piece. Put it on a paper towel to blot off excess oil. After the 1st one you'll get it??."
-- @julesfood


2 tsp butter

grated cheddar cheese, enough to cover the bottom of the pan

1 egg

salt & pepper to taste


Heat 2 tsps of butter on a non-stick pan on low/medium heat.

Put a fair amount of grated cheese to cover the pan. Let it melt a "little" & Add egg(s). Keep heat low/med. until egg is "almost" done. Add more cheese if you want & Turn the heat up to get crispy bottom and sides.

Remove from heat when sides are crispy & Let it 'set' in pan until it slides out in one piece. Put it on a paper towel to blot off excess oil. After the 1st one you'll get it!