Mustard Glazed Brussels Sprouts with Slow-cooked Tri-tip

"I personally love brussels sprouts and can eat them practically raw. You get the most natural flavor out of them when quickly blanched and it’s a perfect addition to a beautiful hearty salad. In this recipe, I decided to do just that, with a nice little flare to spice it up, and man is it flavorful!"
-- @jessecudworth
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  • Recipe Card
Prep time 25mins
Cook time 14hrs 20mins
Serves or Makes: 4

Recipe Card


  • 16 ounces Brussels Sprouts
  • 1/4 cups Grainy Dijon Seeds
  • 8 ounces center cut Tri-tip
  • 5 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Salt & Pepper


  • Step 1

    Prepare your immersion circulator in a large bath of water and heat to 135 degrees. Generously salt and pepper the tri-tip, sliding and rolling it around in any excess spice left on the cutting board. Mop it up folks. Coat the meat with olive oil and place into an air-tight bag. Place in sous vide and cook for 14 hours. Once the meat is finished, place in an ice bath and then transfer to the refrigerator till completely cooled.

  • Step 2

    To prepare the brussels sprouts, remove the root and peel away the outer waxy leaves. Press a paring knife into the root, about a centimeter in, twice for an "x" shape.

  • Step 3

    Bring a large pot of water to a rumbling boil. Pour a generous amount of salt in and then plunge the brussels sprouts into the water. Ideally, the water shouldn't stop boiling-- that's what I'd call a perfect blanch. Boil them until just tender-- about 3 minutes. Remove the brussels sprouts with a slotted spoon and drop them into an ice bath.

  • Step 4

    Reserve 1/2 cup of the blanching liquid. Pour the mustard seeds into the liquid and let it rest until completely cooled.

  • Step 5

    Dice the tri-tip into tiny cubes and set aside. Toss the brussels sprouts with the mustard glaze and tri-tip cubes. Place them into an oven safe baking dish and bake at 375 till nice and hot. Unreal.

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