Mini Roasted Pom Pom Potatoes with Kale Pesto

Mini Roasted Pom Pom Potatoes with Kale Pesto
"Mini roasted pom pom potatoes with kale and avocado pesto!"
-- @foodbites


Poratoes, sliced into thick coins

coconut oil or butter

Cook potatoes till al dente, about 10-12 minutes depending on size. Let cool completely or leave them in the fridge overnight. Slice potatoes in half and cut diagonally in two directions for the pom effect. Brush lightly with neutral coconut oil or butter and roast in a 180’C oven till brown on the edges and they look crispy, roughly 20 minutes depending on size. You can turn the oven to grill for the last two minutes for that bit extra. 


2 large handfulls of kale

one ripe avocado

juice of one lemon

a small handful of cashews

2 cloves garlic

salt and pepper, to taste

For the pesto mix together kale, avocado, lemon juice, a small handful of cashews and garlic. Season with salt and pepper. 

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