What's the Craic? St. Patrick's Day Savory Recipes!




St. Patrick's Day
Isn't Just For
Whiskey and Beer

Although I may not be Irish, I happen to date an Irishman and live in a part of the Bronx that has a higher population of Irish people than in all of County Leitrim, Ireland. I’m constantly surrounded by a wide variety of Irish accents, grocery stores laden with Tayto’s chips and the Irish Tricolor flag flying high on every corner. While this doesn’t make me Irish, it does mean I cook a lot of Irish food at home. Our freezer always has white pudding and Irish bangers stocked and if a week of meal prep goes by without some form of potato, my boyfriend looks at me with a confused face saying something like, “...but the potatoes are where?”. So with St. Patrick’s Day just around the corner, it’s time to dip your toes into these Irish American and Irish classics. Sláinte!
Glazed Corned Beef and Cabbage
By @platingsandpairings
Although this dish is an Irish-American contribution to St. Patrick’s Day celebrations, it does have Irish roots. The original Irish version of this dish began as bacon and cabbage, using an uncured back bacon similar to Canadian bacon. But with the influx of Irish to New York City, the Irish struggled to find their bacon at an affordable cost. Instead, they took a page out of their Lower East Side Jewish friends and subbed in corned beef for the harder to find bacon. I learn something everyday!



Cheddar Irish Soda Bread with Rosemary
By @foodnessgracious

Who doesn’t love Irish soda bread? Although the Americanized version is laden with dried currants, this savory take has me salivating. Sharp cheddar and fragrant rosemary stud this saltier counterpart and personally, I can’t wait to slather it in Irish butter and eat as much as I can stomach.



Irish Breakfast
by @dianemorrisey

What Irish compilation of recipes is not complete without an Irish Breakfast? White and black pudding, Irish bangers, beans and my personal favorite, roasted tomatoes and mushrooms. Although personally, I always want a nice nap after this hearty breakfast.



Colcannon Style Twice Baked Potatoes
by @mollyjean4

I love this new spin on the well-loved Irish dish, colcannon. This smashed potato recipe, laden with cabbage, butter and topped with scallions has a special place in my heart. Which is why Molly's idea of stuffing regular ole colcannon into a potato, baking it with bacon and Irish cheddar stole my heart. 



Irish Stout Braised Short Ribs
by @mainelyeating

Guinness. Short Ribs. Potatoes. Need I say more? Okay, I will, but I’m glad I have your attention. These ribs go low and slow in a mixture of beef broth and Guinness until they’re fork tender. Trust me, the next day, it’ll soak up any trace of Jameson left in your system.



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