Salted Caramel Glazed Spiced Apple Breakfast Tarts

"I am already feeling ridiculously inspired by all the Autumn/Fall flavours that will be making there appearance soon. So, without further ado, I present to you (in my opinion), one of the best recipes I have done this year. 'Spiced Apple Pop-Tarts with Salted Caramel Glaze'. These take a little work, but boy oh boy you will be sure to impress your friends, family, colleagues, strangers.... You get the picture."
-- @theculinarybee

Recipe Intro From theculinarybee

Make a batch of apple sauce and use it in these breakfast tarts spiced with ginger, cinnamon, and nutmeg.
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Recipe Card


Apple Sauce

  • 1 large diced Bramley Apple
  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 3 cloves
  • 1 tablespoon ground ginger
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon nutmeg
  • 1/2 cup orange juice



  • 1 roll short crust pastry
  • 1 egg yolk



  • 1/3 cup icing sugar
  • 2 teaspoons milk
  • 1 tablespoon salted caramel


Apple Sauce

  • Step 1

    Peel the apple, and dice into small chunks (1 inch). Add apple and all other ingredients together in a sauce pan and leave to stew over medium-low heat for 30 minutes. Let cool.


  • Step 1

    Unroll the shop bought pastry, (make sure it's around 1-1.5 inches thick) and slice into 16 small rectangles, (one of the bottom and one of the top), this will make around 8 little tarts.

  • Step 2

    Place the slices onto the baking tray, and using a teaspoon, spoon in your homemade apple sauce in the center of eight chosen slices.

  • Step 3

    Top with a similar sized slice of pastry. Using a fork, crimp the edges together to make a pattern and to seal in the jam. Poke three holes in the top of the tarts (so it won't explode in the oven). Brush with an egg wash and bake for 10-12 minutes. Leave to cool completely before adding your icing.


  • Step 1

    Add all of the ingredients together and drizzle on top of the pop tarts.