FeedfeedBrooklyn Vitamix Explorian Launch

#feedfeed #Vitamix #MakeMerry


As the winter draws near, we look forward to the shift in season, the shift in pace, and the seasonal shift of turning inward. For us, it means focusing on spending time with friends, family & just a little bit more time around the table giving thanks for all that we have.

This year, our Thanksgiving feels extra special since we recently opened FeedfeedBrooklyn, our 3,000 square foot test kitchen and community space located in the Bushwick neighborhood of Brooklyn. As an online community, we’ve been long wanting to create a space to bring our community together off line in an environment that fosters creativity and collaboration. A space where our guests feel like family and our kitchen feels like home - a space where we can work with partners we love and contributors we admire to help tell the food stories that are so important to what we do. We could not have been more thrilled to host our friends from Vitamix for our very first FeedfeedBrooklyn event.

Vitamix has always been a big part of our kitchen to help us get meals on the table that are both delicious and quick. From purees, to nut butters, to smoothies - the machines get used daily. When they told us they were launching a new line of machines that were just as powerful, but smaller, lighter and a little bit less expensive -we wanted in! The Vitamix Explorian does just that - it delivers everything you’ve ever wanted from Vitamix but in a more accessible way.

To celebrate, we invited 18 of our NYC based community members to whip up something delicious with the Explorian and feature the Vitamix Winter Spice Blend and bring it with them for a celebratory brunch. We always know we’re going to eat well when our community cooks, but this particular group really outdid themselves. From a Dirty Chia Latte demo to Butternut Squash Pasta, the menu was a food lover’s dream.

This Thanksgiving, there is so much to be thankful for and we are excited for all that is to come in our new space and are looking forward to sharing the journey with our community.

Be sure to check out the new Vitamix Explorian (the perfect holiday gift!) and make some of the incredible recipes that we enjoyed during our brunch. We've included the full menu below, click the photo to get the recipes from our influencers and for more holiday inspired recipes from Vitamix, click here!

Here's a recap of the day!

A special thank you to all those who made the afternoon possible:

Vitamix for sponsoring this incredible event and sending all of our amazing guests the Explorian Series!
Room & Board for providing FeedfeedBrooklyn beautiful furnishings.

Knork for providing the flatware at FeedfeedBrooklyn

Caesarstone for providing the countertop at FeedfeedBrooklyn