Gochujang Scrambled Eggs

"Gochujang, coriander & cherry tomato scrambled eggs with @marksandspencer pumpkin seed crackers; obsessed with this brunchy dish of perfection..."
-- @oscardarling

Gochujang Scrambled Eggs


3 medium free-range eggs

Salt & black pepper

1 heaped teaspoon of Gochujang

25 grams of grated cheddar cheese with chilli

1 good handful of coriander (leaves & stalks), roughly chopped

Generous knob of butter

5 cherry tomatoes, halved

3 Marks & Spencer Sweet Chilli, Pumpkin & Sesame Seed Flatbreads


Crack the eggs into a measuring jug.

Add a tiny pinch of salt & pepper and the Gochujang and beat everything together well with a fork.

Add the grated cheese and coriander and gently mix together in the jug until everything is combined.

Put a small pan on a low heat, add a generous knob of butter and allow this to melt.

Add the egg mixture to the pan, letting it cover the base and then start to stir gently with a wooden spoon.

After a few moments, add your cherry tomatoes and keep everything gently moving in the pan to ensure even cooking.

Once the eggs look creamy and almost done but are still slightly runny, remove the pan from the heat and keep stirring; the residual heat will continue to cook them for a few more minutes.

Serve with flatbreads - perfect for piling your spicy eggs onto!