Oven Baked Spaghetti And Meatballs

Oven Baked Spaghetti And Meatballs
". O V E N S P A G H E T T I and M E A T B A L L S This sexy beast is cooked in the oven- from dry pasta and raw meatballs to this. No pre-cooking or boiling required. What what. Cuz I think I'm made of magic. It's also farking deliciousballs. Recipe on site. Link in profile ✌️?"
-- @everydaychampagne

Recipe Intro From everydaychampagne

No need to boil water for this meal. Throw everything, including the pasta and uncooked meatballs, in a casserole dish. To accommodate the extra moisture needed for the spaghetti, one extra cup of water is added to the sauce.