"The bits and pieces from yesterday’s dinner. I love feeding people, and I love introducing people to home cooked Chinese food even more. I must’ve gotten this from my mom, but I always cook more than enough - I want there to be plenty of options to choose from, as we eat family style. We four actually made a huge dent and great progress, with just enough leftover for lunch: a lovely patchwork of some of my favorite dishes. Here we have 菜饭 bok choy rice,梅菜扣肉 fermented greens with pork belly,茶叶蛋 tea egg,韭菜花炒肉丝 flowering chives with pork slivers,酱萝卜 soy pickled daikon, 糖醋莲藕 sweet and sour lotus root, 南瓜饼 pumpkin rice cake with sweet red bean filling. • • • • • #homestyleshanghai #shanghaifood #chinesefood #homestylechinesefood #foodandwine #huffposttaste #eattheworld #lifeandthyme #f52grams #heresmyfood #tastingtable #feedfeed #thekitchn #rslove #tastemade #forkyeah #buzzfeast #hautecuisines #bareaders #eeeeeats #createandcapture #momentsofmine #aquietstyle #daysofsmallthings #awakethelight #simpleandstill #tinytinymoments #untoldvisuals #aseasonalshift #meicaikourou"
-- @bliu07
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