"Yesterday we huddled indoors and tried our best to fight the jet lag, but honestly when there’s a blizzard outside and it’s snug and cozy inside, napping was hard to resist haha. We’ve started to unpack things though, and of course I start with tucking away the goods I brought back from China!! Besides the cookware, baskets, etc, I also brought back 鸡头米, a water seed foraged from 太湖 lake, grown in lotus pods, and super fresh and aromatic green/red peppercorns and red peppers from Sichuan. Can’t wait to play with these in the kitchen! whenever I travel I always seem to gravitate towards food souvenirs, which isn’t really a surprise I suppose. in less than two weeks I go to Japan, and I will be intentionally leaving a lot of room for more food stuffs ?. Do you also bring back food related goods when you travel??"
-- @bliu07
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