"Hope everyone is doing well and staying safe. Fall is quickly approaching and of course in New England that means apples!!! One of my favorite fall activities is apple picking, but with everything going on I am not sure that will be an option this year. @Stemiltfruit asked me to help spread the word about their new apple: Rave®, which is a cross between the Honeycrisp and MonArk apples. The former is my favorite kind of apple, so I was intrigued! Rave® apples are crisp, tart (from the MonArk) apples, great to snack on and perfect for this pie (see stories!). And they want to #PasstheRave to YOU!!! I’m partnering with them to give away a box of Rave® apples, just like the post, follow @stemiltfruit and @Raveapples, and tag a friend in the comments who you think is rave-worthy. Giveaway ends August 16 at 23:59. #firstverifiedfruit #raveapples"
-- @bliu07
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