Baba Ghanoush

"Ideas #slow Berenjenas asadas en crema al estilo baba ghanoush con zanahorias salteadas para untar"
-- @becausegb


Roasted Eggplant

4 eggplants

1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil

1 tbsp thyme

1/2 tbsp rosemary

2 tbsp ground cumin

1 tbsp mustard seeds

1 tbsp fennel seeds

1 head of garlic

salt and pepper to taste

Baba Ghanoush

2 roasted eggplants

2-3 garlic cloves

1 tbsp paprika

2 tbsp tahini

olive oil

splash of lemon juice

salt and pepper to taste


Preheat oven to 350F. 

Cut the eggplants in half and score them diagonally. In a bowl mix together the thyme, rosemary, cumin, salt, pepper and half of the olive oil. In a mortar or something similar grind the fennel and mustard seeds and then add to the rest of the mix. Pour mix over the eggplants.

Cut the head of garlic in half and place on baking sheet with eggplants. Roast for about 50-60 minutes. Half way through check the eggplants and pour the rest of the olive oil over them. 

When slightly cooled, place four of the eggplant halves with the rest of the ingredients for the Baba Ghonoush in a blender. Blend until smooth, adjust seasoning if needed. 

Serve with roasted carrots. Enjoy!