Cardamom Rhubarb Cream Doughnuts

Cardamom Rhubarb Cream Doughnuts
"Hate to be super optimistic but we are on day 2 of actual "summer" weather here in the Hoosier state, so I felt like I was in the clear to say ✌🏻to spring and all its rain with these Cardamom Spiced Rhubarb Cream Donuts. The best kind of kitchen project, these enriched yeasted donuts are rolled around in a cinnamon cardamom bath and filled with sweet, tart, rhubarb cream. A sweet sayonara to spring indeed."
-- @theproperbingeblog

Recipe Intro From theproperbingeblog

Donuts filled with a cardamom rhubarb cream?! Yes please! These spring donuts are a brunch dream.

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