Flaky Homemade Croissants

-- @maruskooo

Ingredients for 18 croissants:

500 grams (about 4 cups) Flour
60 grams (about 1/4 cup) Sugar 
10 g (about 2 tsp) Salt 
1 Egg 
20 grams (about 2 tbsp) Fresh yeast 
200 grams (about 3/4 cup) Warm milk
60 grams (about 1/4 cup) Butter at room temperature 
300 grams (about 1 1/4 cups) Butter 82%, cold

1 egg, beaten, for egg wash


1. Mixing the dough.
Sift the flour into a large bowl, and make a well in the center of the sifted flour. Stir the salt with sugar, and add it to the side of the bowl, so that when yeast is added there is no contact with salt and sugar.Combine the yeast with the warm milk, then gradually pour the yeast into the well and start stirring the dough. While mixing add the egg and 60 g of butter at room temperature. Knead the dough with your fingertips until smooth. After that, put the dough on the surface, sprinkled with flour. Take the dough into your hand and forcefully throw it on the table, then take it in the other hand and throw it on the table again. Continue for 10-15 minutes. To check if the dough is ready, you need to stretch it lightly with your fingers. Should shine through, but do not tear.

2. Proof for warmth.
When the dough is ready, place it on a baking sheet covered with parchment, cover with a kitchen cloth and put in a warm place to rise for 40 minutes.

3. The first proof in the fridge
When the volume of the dough is doubled, punch it down it to release air. Cover the dough with a plastic wrap and let is proof for a second time in the refrigerator for about 45 - 60 minutes.

4.Remove the cold butter from the fridge and roll it with a rolling pin to form a rectangle with a thickness of 1.5 cm. Put it in the refrigerator. 

5. Put the dough on a floured table and roll out 1.5-2 cm thick, 2 times longer and slightly wider than the  butter. Put the butter rectangle in the center of the dough and fold the dough from the bottom and top on the over the butter (like an envelope),overlapping the seams. Smooth the dough with your palm to release air.
Roll the dough into a rectangular formation 1 cm thick, 15 cm wide and 45 cm long.
If you feel that the dough starts to tear and the butter comes out, put the dough in the refrigerator for 20 minutes, then continue to roll it out.

Fold the lower end of the dough to 2/3 of its length and the top to the remaining third, weld the seam and then fold it in half like a book. Cover the dough with plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

6. Once chilled,  turn dough 90 degrees and roll it into a layer 6-8 mm. Fold the dough three times (like folding a letter). Roll the dough into a rectangle, cover, and put it in the refrigerator for the night.

7. Roll the dough into a rectangular formation 8-6 mm thick. Trim the edges. Cut the dough into triangles with a base of 12 cm and a height of 20 cm. Make a notch in the middle of the base in 1-2 cm. Starting from the wide end, roll the trangles into crescent shapes. Put on a baking sheet covered with baking paper, and put in a warm place for a proofing 30 - 45 minutes.

8. Brush the croissants with the egg. Bake for 15 minutes at 400˚F in convection mode.