Healthy and Happy New Year with MaraNatha!

We hosted a Box+Flow class @FeedfeedBrooklyn with our friends at MaraNatha, and then had the most awesome post-workout meal!


Healthy And Happy New Year With MaraNatha!

Article by Allison Hudson
Photography by Ben Jay

This past January, we partnered with MaraNatha Nut Butters to celebrate a Healthy and Happy New Year. We asked ourselves, “what makes a healthy lifestyle a happy one, as well?”  Ultimately, it’s all about balance. Exercise and exertion should be coupled with rest and relaxation, occasional indulgence should be checked by ongoing temperance, and a presence of mind should be weighed with future planning. Given that the coming of a new year is naturally a time of reevaluation, we reflect on the fact that a series of healthy choices–nourishing foods, movement that is challenging and fun, investment in community–stack up to a happy existence. We love MaraNatha Nut Butters for this very reason–the spreads are delicious, nutritious, twice-roasted in small batches, and nutrient-dense to fuel a hearty appetite.

To highlight MaraNatha’s commitment to healthy and happy living and their stake in this mindset,

we invited a group of NYC-based Influencers to join us for a high-energy movement class by Box

& Flow, a yin/yang style workout featuring heart-pumping shadow boxing followed by restorative


We followed the inspiring workout with a delicious dinner featuring recipes inspired by

MaraNatha Almond Butter.  Specifically, we feasted on a MaraNatha Almond Butter Udon Noodle

Salad, a Thai-inspired salad with MaraNatha Peanut Butter Vinaigrette, a Baked Sweet Potato

Bar with MaraNatha Almond Butter (boasting both sweet and savory toppings), and a Cereal

Treat Snack Bar made with MaraNatha Almond and Coconut Butter.  Talk about a smile-

inducing, healthy spread for a post-workout meal!!

We loved seeing out guests’ embrace this healthy & happy mindset that evening, as MaraNatha

Nut Butters were deliciously drizzled atop main dishes and desserts alike.

Thank you to MaraNatha Nut Butters and the Feedfeed community for helping us kick off a

Healthy & Happy New Year!  


As always, thank you to our studio sponsors, FairwayHandsome Brook Farm, Health-

AdeRoom & Board, and Simply Organic for making this an extra-awesome event. 


We would also like to thank Bonterra Organic Wines for providing beverages for this event. 


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