Garlicky, Cheesy Cornmeal Sourdough Baguette

"With my favorite flours in short supply, I’ve been playing around with lots of supplements and substitutes. This time I worked roughly 30% corn meal into garlicky, colby-filled leaves. Next pinch hitter up to the plate: instant grits."
-- @blondieandrye

A Note from Feedfeed

Use that soughdough starter and make these showstopper sourghdough baguettes! These have garlic and cheese, and would be delicious before any dinner party

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  • Recipe Card
Prep time 5hrs 20mins
Cook time 30mins

Recipe Card


  • 200 grams 100% hydration sourdough starter
  • 300 grams water
  • 240 grams coarse ground white cornmeal
  • 460 grams King Arthur All-Purpose flour
  • 150 grams shredded cheese of choice
  • 4 grams garlic powder
  • 17 grams salt
  • 50 grams honey
  • 80 grams olive oil


  • Step 1

    In a medium container, mix all of the wet ingredients first, then slowly add all dry ingredients except the cheese. Mix the dough with a fork until the it just comes together, then allow the dough to rest for 20 minutes.

  • Step 2

    With wet hands, pick up the mass of dough and fold it over itself 8 times. Repeat that folding process three times more, at 30-minute intervals.

  • Step 3

    Allow the dough to ferment until roughly doubled. Timing will vary greatly depending on ambient temperature. It could take 3 hours, or it could take 8 hours! Just make sure it has doubled.

  • Step 4

    Lightly flour the top of the dough and pour it floured-side down onto a large piece of parchment paper. Flour the side that is now facing up, and cut the dough into two large pieces with scissors or a pastry scraper.

  • Step 5

    Stretch the two piece out until they are long ovals. Push down the center of each piece, and sprinkle the cheese in the crevice. Pull up the edges to seal, and flip them so the smooth side is on top.

  • Step 6

    Stretch those pieces into long loaves, and, using a scoring tool such as a lame or scissors, design as you please!

  • Step 7

    Bake the loaves at 425 F for roughly 30 minutes, or until golden and slightly more deeply browned on the edges. Allow to cool and serve.