Udi’s Sandwich & Toast Throw Down

At Feedfeed Brooklyn



#UdisGlutenFree Sandwich & Toast Throw Down


Photography by Giora Stuchiner

I am a bit of an elitist when it comes to sandwiches. I believe that making a sandwich is not something that should be taken lightly.  It does not take a lot of technical skills to make a sandwich, as most of us can buy everything pre-made and ready to go.  Where the skill lies is in taking and creating combinations that play on one another in taste and texture.  Sure, you could spread some peanut butter and jelly on two pieces of bread and call it a day, but that’s no fun, right? 
When Udi’s Gluten Free told us they were launching a newly redesigned sandwich bread - we were pumped, because let’s be honest, a sandwich is really only as good as the bread it is, well, sandwiched between. Udi's new loaves are not only sturdier, but also larger, with a 24 oz. loaf available.  If no one told you, you’d never know you were eating gluten free bread! Our challenge with Udi’s was to get our Feedfeed community engaged with the new bread in a way that showcased the new and improved size and sturdiness.  Challenge Accepted! 

We invited our community to FeedfeedBrooklyn for the first of what we hope to become an annual Sandwich (and toast) Competition.  With a panel of judges at the ready, everyone assembled into teams and were given approximately 30 minutes to create one sandwich and one sweet dessert toast.  We set the stage and the stakes were high. 

We assembled an all star cast of judges: Jake Cohen, Molly Adams of @thefeedfeed, and Udi’s! We judged each entry based on the following criteria: Styling, Creative Concept, Overall appeal & of course, taste!  The teams went all out and we had some very serious decisions to make when it came to judging.  
In this photo: Jake Cohen and Melissa Matonis
In the end, we had a TIE between two of the teams and our winning teams came in with 62 points each! Congrats Jill, Erin, Patti, Rebecca, Laurel and Heath (Team 3) and to Michele, Gillian and Diane
Want to recreate our Udi’s Sandwich at home (pictured above!) - find the recipe HERE! 

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