Hearty Tomato Soup

with Pesto Cheese Tortilla Pinwheels


Makes 2 servings


We all know how challenging it can be to get dinner on the table.  I’ll bring you guys into the inner circle of trust here and say, there are times when I just open up the freezer and toss a frozen pizza into the oven.  However, far too often we overlook what might be sitting on the pantry shelf, the humble can of soup.  Perhaps we worry it won’t be too filling, or that we’ll feel unsatisfied after eating it.  Well worry no more - because we have partnered with our friends over at Progresso to show you how to take your soup “Up A Notch!”


This is really the easiest thing you’ll do all day - promise! We started with a base of Progresso Hearty Tomato Soup, to which we added just a touch of cream (read: luxuriousness), and some really fun Pesto Cheese Tortilla Pinwheels.  I dare you to try to not eat all of them before they go onto the soup.


For the Soup:

1 can Progresso Hearty Tomato Soup

⅓ cup heavy cream


For the Pesto Cheese Tortilla Pinwheels

1 Large Flour Burrito Shell

2 tablespoons prepared pesto

¼ cup Shredded Mozzarella (or Italian Blend)

⅛ teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes

Fresh basil for serving



Heat Broiler to High and place rack at top of oven


In a small saucepan, bring soup to a simmer - slowly add cream and stir to combine.   Remove from heat and cover.


While soup is coming to a simmer, spread pesto onto Burrito Shell and cover with cheese.  Sprinkle crushed red pepper flakes over cheese.  Place under broiler for 60-90 seconds, keeping very close eye on it, as it will brown quickly.  Remove from oven once cheese starts to melt.  Transfer to a cutting board and roll, tightly.  Slice into ¼ inch slices and place back on cookie sheet, cut side down.  Return to broiler for about 60-90 seconds until deep golden and crunch.


To serve: Divide soup into two bowls, place 4-6 pinwheels in the center of the soup and top with basil.  Serve remaining pinwheels on the side