Apple Fennel Salad

Apple Fennel Salad
"Throwback Thursday and thought of the day ... Evolution of the globe and more importantly humanity, requires some difficult processes, as we have just experienced. With that in mind, I'm sharing something purely uplifting today. So, to one of the most beautiful and simple plates I ever created. An apple fennel salad with the beautiful willowy dill feathers, making this whole plate look dreamy and ethereal. These are simple pleasures in life and without further ado, it's onwards and upwards ! "
-- @fredashafi_spiceitup

Recipe Intro From fredashafi_spiceitup

Oh boy this salad by @ fredashafi_spiceitup is so refreshing, uplifting, and easy to make. Wonderful with roasted steak or lamb chops.

Simple Apple Fennel Salad


Apple, sliced


Poegranate jewells 



lemon juice

black pepper