Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies


Recipe Intro From austrianwithwuff

Are you ready for the Ultimate Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies? Every Pastry Chef and Baker calls their Chocolate Chip Cookie THE best and let’s be honest, none of us is wrong. I have used the same Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe for years. This gluten-free cookie recipe makes cookies with a chewy center, crispy edges and the most amazing texture.

For a while, I only added one kind of chocolate but recently I started mixing things up and started adding 3 kinds of chocolate plus candied cocoa nibs to my dough. Because there is no such thing as too much chocolate. The cocoa nibs are candied but you can skip this step if you like.

Make sure to also check out my Small Batch Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe which is made with melted butter and requires no chill time.