All Recipes / Alexia Foods Recipes Recipes

Alexia Foods Recipes Recipes

Alexia frozen potatoes are here for the at-home foodie who likes to craft meals in their kitchen. They're the starter to your next favorite meal because they've done the prep work for you! Alexia is made with distinctive flavors using high-quality ingredients, rewarding customers with an inspired and elevated experience without the hassle. Their products range from our creatively crafted line (Seasoned Waffle Cut Fries, Crispy Rosemary Fries, Crispy Truffle Fries, and more) to a variety of organic classic cuts, to our popular Sweet Potato fries! The entire portfolio is also non-GMO, celebrating transparent sourcing and preparation at our core. Enjoy Alexia fries on the side of your meal, as a snack, or use them as an ingredient in your next inspired dish. Find them in most major and natural grocery retailers!
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