"If you are a fan of sweet potato pie, then you are going to love this delectable sweet potato pie ice cream with toasted marshmallows. It is simply delicious."
-- @yourbetterkitchen
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  • Recipe Card
Prep time 10mins
Cook time 22mins
Serves or Makes: 6

Recipe Card


  • 1 1/2 cups Whole Milk
  • 1 1/2 cups Heavy Cream
  • 3/4 cups Sugar
  • 5 large Egg Yolks
  • 1 pinch Salt
  • 1/4 Sweet Potato pie

Sweet Cream Ice Cream


  • Step 1

    Add the heavy cream to a medium bowl and set aside. In another medium bowl, add the egg yolks.

  • Step 2

    In a medium pot, add the whole milk, sugar, and salt. Heat until the sugar and salt have dissolved. It can take about 3 minutes.

  • Step 3

    Take the warmed milk mixture and very slowly whisk in about ½ cup into the egg yolks. Then pour the egg mixture back into the pot and cook until the mixture has thickened or covered the back of a spoon. It can take about 13-15 minutes.

  • Step 4

    Using a mesh strainer, pour the milk and egg mixture into the bowl with the heavy cream. Stir to combine. Then put the mixture in an ice bath to help cool it down. Once the mixture is cooled, put it in an airtight container and refrigerate for at least 2-3 hours.

  • Step 5

    Churn the ice cream mixture using your ice cream machine’s instructions. While it’s churning, you want to cut small pieces of the sweet potato pie and set them aside. When you have 5 minutes left, add the pie pieces and combine. Freeze the ice cream for at least 4 hours to overnight.

  • Step 6

    Serve ice cream in a cone, and using an offset spatula sprayed with cooking spray, spread some of the marshmallow fluff on top. Using a kitchen torch, toast the fluff and enjoy!

Marshmallow Fluff

  • Step 1

    In a heatproof bowl, add the egg whites, sugar, and cream of tartar. Place the bowl on top of a medium pot with about 2 inches of simmering water.

  • Step 2

    Whisk the mixture consistently until the sugar has dissolved, about 4 minutes. The mixture will become frothy, and you’ll know it’s ready when the thermometer reads 160 degrees.

  • Step 3

    Add the frothy egg mixture into a stand mixer bowl and add the vanilla extract. Mix on high for 5 minutes. Store in an airtight container in the fridge for 2-3 days.

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