Roasted Rainbow Carrots, Red Onion And Fennel

"Tonight's veggies pre-oven: rainbow carrots, red onion, and fennel. "
-- @clean_eating_journal

Recipe Intro From clean_eating_journal

Love this robust combination of vegetables that are both delicious and beautiful. It’s fun to go out of the box as @clean_eating_journal did here and switch it up.

Rainbow carrots, shaved and cut in half 
Red onion, sliced
Fennel, sliced
1 tsp minced fresh garlic
1 Tbsp avocado oil
1/8 tsp salt
Cracked black pepper
Red pepper flakes

Preheating to 400F. Place vegetables on parchment lined sheet pan.

Combine garlic, oil, salt, and peppers. Brush onto vegetables. Place in oven and roast for 40 minutes.