How to Make Sour Cream Coffee Cake with Brown Butter Streusel Topping

A Note From feedfeed

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Have you ever had a job interview where the potential employer asks what your greatest strengths and weaknesses are? My answer to both is streusel. Particularly this brown butter rendition. It’s a strength because, frankly, it’s fliipin’ tasty and makes pretty much everything you add it to delicious. It’s a weakness because I JUST CAN”T STOP EATING IT.  I’m 100% guilty of picking the plumpest bits of streusel off the top of the cake before slicing it, and nibbling on the crumbs as they “fall” (i.e. I shake them loose…) off the top. So, am I hired?!

My grandmother made one of the best coffee cakes I’ve ever had. It was comprised of approximately 80% streusel, which is a pretty boss move. She was a woman ahead of her time BUT if I’m being honest, the cake itself was always a little dry once you got through the top 3 inches of streusel. I refreshed her classic recipe by adding a little sour cream to the batter; my favorite way to ensure a springy crumb. I cut back on the streusel just a touch but made sure to make it a little *extra* by browning the butter that serves as the base first. The end result? Buttery, nutty, brown-sugary and irresistible. 

Make this cake for breakfast, brunch or dessert and everything in between. Have apples on your hands? Dice a few up and toss them in.  Want to add blueberries? Go for it! Got some fresh tart cranberries laying around? Go nuts! This cake is a blank buttery canvas, Carpe Diem!


Recipe and Headnote Molly Adams