Macadamia-cherry-swirl Ice Cream Pops

"I know I'm very bad. sorry guys but here is the recipe I promised days ago. I posted another picture of the Pops, so you'll know what I'm talking about. The nutty flavour of the macadamia pairs very well with the dark chocolate, and the cherry swirls will just add this pop of tartness that is just right with all the richness that's happening."
-- @a.pair.of.figs

Macadamia-cherry swirl pops:
White layer:
1 cup cashews soaked
1/2 cup macadamias
1/4 cup+2 tbsp rice malt syrup
1 tsp vanilla powder
2 tbsp coconut oil
2 frozen bananas
3/4 cup coconut milk

Cherry layer:
1 cup frozen cherries
1 tbsp coconut oil
1/2 tbsp chia seeds
1/4 cup rice malt syrup
3 tbsp coconut milk

1/4 cup cacao butter, melted*
1/4 cup coconut oil, melted*
1/2 cup cacao powder
1/4 cup maple syrup, or more depending how sweet you want it

Blend all ingredient for white layer until completely smooth.

Spread on a lined tray till they're 1 cm thick, make sure it's not more than 1 cm thick, it the swirl won't work. Place in the freezer. Blend all ingredients of the cherry layer until completely smooth. Spread on top of the white layer (make sure the White layer is set first) make sure both layers are even as well.

Leave to set ( about 2 hrs should do)

After its set, take out of the tray, and roll the ice cream using the lining (as you would do when rolling sushi!) then place back in the freezer to set.

Cut the edges to even out, and mark with your knife the place you're going to cut (should make about 5 pops) push ice pop handles through the side of each pop and then proceed to cut them (again as you would do with a sushi roll!) Make chocolate sauce by mixing all ingredients together using a whisk for smoother sauce.

Cover with chocolate by spooning over the pops and sprinkle with Finley chopped raw nuts before chocolate sets (I used pistachios, macadamias, cashews and almonds)

Notes: * cacao butter and coconut oil will melt under 46 C so will stay raw

I advise that you do not skip on the nuts as they add good texture.

I like to let the pop thaw a bit before eating it.