Ratatouille With Smoky Bell Pepper Sauce

"My perfectly imperfect version of ratatouille topped with a creamy, smoky bell pepper-tomato sauce whipped up in seconds by my hardworking "sous chef" the @vitamix ?. This beautiful dish from @staub_usa is one of my favourites as I can use it in the oven as well as a serving dish. Hope your weekend is as culinary fulfilling as mine ."
-- @vanessavorbach



1 large Japanese eggplant, sliced lengthwise
1 large zucchini, sliced lengthwise
2-3 medium sized tomatoes, sliced 
1-2 large carrots, sliced lengthwise
2 yellow bell peppers, cut in 4 parts 
Salt + pepper to season vegetables
Olive oil to brush vegetables and Staub pie dish

Smoky Bell Pepper sauce (see recipe below)
chopped spring onions
chopped fresh basil

Preheat oven to 350°F. Lightly grease your Staub dish with olive oil

Brush the sliced veggies with olive oil and season with salt and pepper

Stack vegetable slices in alternating patterns and place them on their side, leaning against the edge of the pan. Repeat until you filled your Staub dish.

Bake for about an hour, until the vegetables are tender and slightly golden brown.

While the vegetables are roasting in the oven, prepare Bell-Pepper sauce (see recipe below)

Once cooked, drizzle over a generous amount of the smoky Bell-pepper sauce and garnish with freshly chopped basil and spring onions.

Bon Appétit!

Smoky Bell Pepper Sauce

2 red or yellow bell pepper

1-2 gloves of garlic

1-2 Tbsp olive oil

sea salt and pepper to taste

smoked paprika to taste

water to reach desired consistency

Optional: dried herbs and 1 Tbsp of hemps seeds for creaminess    


Cut bell peppers in large pieces, toss in olive oil, salt and pepper and roast in the oven until slightly golden brown (about 20 min)

Place the roasted bell peppers with the remaining ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth