No Bake Mason Jar Blueberry Cheesecakes

"Looking for something to make with your fresh blueberries? This no-bake mason jar cheesecake with walnut graham cracker crust will be the hit of your summer party!"
-- @schmidthappensmn

Recipe Intro From schmidthappensmn

No Bake Mason Jar Blueberry Cheesecakes

Yield: 8 jars

Prep: 35 minutes

Total: 50 minutes

Crust ingredients: 

1 sleeve graham crackers

4oz chopped walnuts

2 tbsp light brown sugar

4 tbsp unsalted butter (melted)

pinch of salt

Blueberry sauce:

2 c Driscoll’s blueberries

1 lemon (juice and zest)

1/2 c finely ground sugar

1 tbsp cornstarch 

2 tbsp water

Cheesecake filling:

2 8oz cream cheese (room temperature)

1/4 c powdered sugar

1 tsp vanilla

3/4 c heavy whipping cream


Set out cream cheese to allow to reach room temperature. Approximately 30 minutes.
Combine graham crackers and walnuts in food processor. Blend until finely ground. Add light brown sugar and salt and pulse to combine. Pour in melted butter and pulse until it resembles wet sand. Set aside.
Zest the lemon into a small bowl and set aside until the end. Place blueberries in a small saucepan and add juice of lemon. Add in sugar and stir to combine. Place over medium low heat until a slow simmer begins. Mix the cornstarch and water in a small bowl. Add into blueberry sauce and gently stir until combined. Once the blueberries begin to break down the sauce is ready. Approximately 6-7 minutes. Set aside and cool completely.

Grab a medium mixing bowl and beat cream cheese until light and fluffy. Add the powdered sugar and vanilla and beat until combined. Approximately 1-2 minutes. 

Grab another medium mixing bowl and beat the heavy whipping cream until firm peaks form. Transfer the whipping cream into the cream cheese bowl. Gently fold until everything is combined.
Take 2 tbsp of the graham walnut crust and press into the bottom of the mason jars.

Scoop the cheesecake filling into a large Ziplock bag. Cut approximately 1/2 inch off one of the corners. Pipe the cheesecake filling over the crust until the jars are approximately 2/3 full. 

Spoon 2 tbsp of blueberry sauce over the cheesecake filling. The blueberry sauce will seep into the cheesecake giving it a beautiful contrast between the layers. 
Pinch a small amount of lemon zest into each jar. Refrigerate until ready to serve.