Fried Amish Scrapple And Cheddar Cheese Egg Sandwich

"This is my Home state of Pennsylvania in a sandwich. Fried Amish Scrapple/Crispy Hash Brown/Cheddar Cheese Eggs."
-- @traveling_tal


1 Package of Pennsylvania Amish Scrapple

2 Eggs (Whole)

4 Slices of Extra Sharp (Natural) Cheddar

4 Slices of White Bread (Or your choice),

1/2 pint of Heavy Cream

Sea Salt and Black pepper to taste

1 Large Potato

1 Tablespoon Olive Oil

1 Tablespoon Butter


Peel and shred the potato. Rinse and dry with a cloth. In a medium skillet, heat olive oil over medium high heat. Add shredded potatoes and season with salt and pepper. Cook until crispy and golden brown. Remove from the pan.

Slice Scrapple to desired thickness and fry both sides in a heavy cast iron skillet until edges are crispy. Set aside on a paper towel.

Toast bread until golden brown. Combine eggs and 3 tablespoons of heavy cream in a mixing bowl. Vigorously wisk until throughly mixed. Season with salt and pepper.

Cook egg mixture over high heat.  Once the eggs start to curdle turn off heat and add cheddar cheese. Using a spatula, fluff eggs and cheese until texture is light and fluffy.  

Place all ingredients on toasted bread and wrap in sandwich paper. Slice through the center and enjoy!