Quick and Easy Greek Lemon Chicken Soup


A Note from Feedfeed

This Quick and Easy Greek Lemon Chicken Soup is comofort in a bowl for Natasha of TheFeistyKitchen. It's a riff on the classic greek soup avgolemono, and she uses ingredients that you can easily get your hands on, like rotisserie chicken and Cascadian Farm Frozen Mirepoix, so you can try it too!

To see more recieps inspired by Cascadian Farm, click here!

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  • Recipe Card
Prep time 10mins
Cook time 30mins
Serves or Makes: 4-6

Recipe Card


  • 2 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 (10 ounce) package Cascadian Farm frozen mirepoix
  • Sea salt and pepper, to taste
  • 3 eggs
  • 1/2 cup lemon juice
  • 6 cups chicken bone broth (or regular broth/stock)
  • 1 ½ - 2 cups frozen cauliflower rice, thawed
  • 1 whole rotisserie chicken, meat removed and shredded
  • Fresh dill and lemon slices, for garnish


  • Step 1

    In a large soup pot, heat olive oil over medium. Add frozen mirepoix then raise heat to medium high and sauté until all liquid evaporates. Season with salt and pepper.

  • Step 2

    Meanwhile, in a mixing bowl, whisk eggs and lemon juice together.

  • Step 3

    Add chicken broth to soup pot and bring to a boil.

  • Step 4

    Temper the eggs by slowly adding a ladle of the hot chicken broth into the egg mixture while whisking at the same time. Go very slowly to prevent the eggs from cooking. Continue to slowly add another ladle of hot broth to eggs. This step is very important to bring eggs up to temperature, aka “tempering” the eggs prior to add to soup.

  • Step 5

    Add rotisserie chicken meat and cauliflower rice to soup and cook for a few minutes on medium heat to bring up to heat. Taste broth and season to taste, then lower heat to low.

  • Step 6

    With the soup at a gentle simmer, add the tempered eggs very slowly one ladle at a time, stirring as you go. You still don’t want to risk the chance of the eggs scrambling from the heat of the broth. Continue until all the egg mixture is incorporated.

  • Step 7

    Serve in soup bowls and garnish with lemon slices and fresh dill!