Buttercream Workshop at FeedfeedBrooklyn

This recipe and video is brought to you by our friends at Country Crock. Read more about the event we hosted here, and for more recipes using Country Crock baking sticks check out what the Feedfeed community is baking up here.


Perfect American Buttercream Recipe

Recipe by Chelsey White 


2 sticks Country Crock Buttery Sticks, unsalted
4 cups powdered sugar
Pinch salt
3 tbsp heavy cream
1 ½ tsp vanilla


In the bowl of a stand mixer fit with the paddle attachment, beat the buttery sticks on a medium speed for 30 seconds until smooth. Slowly add in the powdered sugar, 1 cup at a time. Alternate with small splashes of cream.

Once fully mixed, add in the vanilla and salt, and beat on low until the ingredients are fully incorporated, and the desired consistency is reached. If the frosting is too thick, add in additional cream (1 teaspoon at a time). If the frosting is too thin, add in more powdered sugar (quarter of a cup at a time).