Sunny Side Up Eggs With Beet Greens And Side Salad

"This #breakfast has been a staple in our house since the local farm bounty has taken off, using different greens depending on what I have picked from the farms. For this, I sautéed Beet Greens in butter for a little while and then added Pepitas and a little lemon. I then made room for those @amberwavesfarm eggs #sunnysideup. On the side was a Radish and Cucumber #Salad drizzled with Olive Oil, Salt and Pepper and a #Wholewheat loaf baked by @carissasbreads (our local baker and friend). So thankful for the farms and other food producers on the East End. All #veggies here were from #QuailHillFarm"
-- @thefeedfeed

Recipe Intro From thefeedfeed

Breakfast, Vegetables, Healthy