An Interview with Sarah Copeland

of Edible Living



An Interview with Sarah Copeland of Edible Living 


Article by TheFeedfeed
Photography by Sarah Copeland

Photo Credit: Amy Frances via Edible Living 
The Feedfeed has been so excited to work with Brown Cow Yogurt over the past few months. Sarah Copeland from EdibleLiving even joined us, because with two young kids, yogurt is always a quick and easy go-to. A pot of Brown Cow Yogurt on hand can save any mother from an oncoming hunger tantrum. 
We asked Sarah some questions about her summer and how she cooks at home as a food-lover, self-proclaimed magic seeker, and busy mother:

FF: Your kids obviously play a really important role in your life - what are some of their favorite snacks during the warm summer months? 

SC: We are total watermelon fantastics, every last one of us--but especially my kids. I cut a watermelon and at least one other melon--honeydew or cantaloupe or any one of the other fun melons we find at the farmer's market this time of year-- nearly every day.  We also are always snacking on peaches, blueberries, paletas, fresh squeezed lemonade, snap peas, and my homemade granola bars from my second book, FEAST
FF: As someone who has had so many accomplishments in the food world, what are the three pieces of advice you'd offer to someone who is just starting to get into home cooking? 

SC: I think the most important things is to trust yourself. Many people say "I'm not a great cook" or "I need to follow a recipe to a T" and yes, some people are more intuitive about cooking, but we all know what tastes good to us. Use that as a guide to get you started and always taste as you go. 

Don't guilt yourself into trying new things you don't like--it's okay to stick with ingredients you love while you're just beginning, and wait until you've got several successes under your belt to branch out to new flavors. When you decide to try cooking a new cuisine--say, Indian--with lots of spices and possibly new-to-you flavor profiles, start slow and use reputable recipe sources you trust; not every recipe on the internet works--stick to sources who test their recipes or crowd-source from tried-and-true cooks and recipe developers. 

Finally, I always keep a few pots of plain cream-top Brown Cow yogurt in the fridge to turn a flavor flop into an instant success--you can stir in a pinch of sea salt, some lemon zest, lemon juice and loads of chopped herbs and have a great dip to dollop on meat, salad, roasted vegetables, or serve alongside a simple ploughman's lunch. 
FF: You and your husband left Manhattan to live outside the city - you guys look like you settled in well - what has been the biggest change for you with this shift, from a food perspective? 

SC: The biggest change and the biggest loss from city life are the restaurants. We have a handful of solid gems up here, but in the city we had an alluring restaurant or bakery on every block--including one right below our apartment. If I didn't feel like cooking, we had instant access to wonderfully inspiring food in minutes. Here, I cook three meals a day, almost every day. It has definitely flexed my cooking and creativity muscles and, of course, we're healthier for it, but I am a sucker for a good restaurant any day. It's my favorite form of theater. 
Be sure to check out some of our favorite ways to use Brown Cow! 

Watermelon Pizza
Yogurt Topped Toast 
Maple Yogurt Waffles