Roasted Cod with Olives

"Flaky tender cod topped with olives, capers, lemon and garlic....🥰🥰 We actually just had this for dinner tonight and it was so good that I made my husband stop eating it so I could snap a picture because it was that GOOD! It's the easiest recipe... Everything goes into a single baking dish and gets baked in the oven for 20 minutes. That's it. That's all there is to it. My son (who is 5) even said "that's not fish, it doesn't smell like fish at all". Now if that's not a winning review, I don't know what is. Recipe on the website tomorrow. #dreamolive #contest @pearls_olives @thefeedfeed #feedfeed #mediterraneandiet #themediterraneandiet #seafood2xwk #eatmorefish"
-- @the_domestic_dietitian