Sourdough Danish Pastry

"RECIPE ALERT and some great news: I'm so excited and happy to have been named @thefeedfeed editor for sourdough feed To celebrate, I'm sharing my new recipe for 100% sourdough Danish pastry with you, hope you like it  You can make it with a strong white flour, no need for Manitoba. "
-- @sourdough_mania

Recipe Intro From sourdough_mania

Butter, custard and sourdough = the best combination

Stiff sweet starter (5g 100% starter, 40g white strong flour, 10g brown sugar, 20g water, leave to double then use in the final dough).

Final dough:
500g T500 white wheat flour
250g water
30g powdered full-fat milk
20g brown sugar
8g salt 
Mix everything together into a well-developed dough, refrigerate overnight. 

Lock-in butter:
320g butter (64%)


Next day leave the dough at room temperature for about 45 minutes (at 21 C). In the meanwhile beat the butter and roll to a thickness of 0.5 cm in 21-cm square. It should be mouldable, if it's too soft, freeze it for 5 minutes. Lock in butter and do 3 series of letter folds, put in fridge for 30 minutes after each fold, the same with your rolling pin.

After the final fold, wrap the dough in cling foil, refrigerate. Next morning roll it to 0.5cm thickness, remove the edges, cut in squares, and form. Brush with egg&milk&pinch of salt. Fill with pastry cream. Proof until almost double in size. Brush once more. Bake in a preheated oven first 5 min at 220 C, then lower the temp to 190 C and bake until golden brown.