Watermelon Layer Cake With Fresh Berries

"Baking in this warmth? Naaaa My son favourite cake: fruit stuffed with fruit layered in fruit and topped with fruit. To go on it I make a sauce of extra virgin coconut oil, sprinkle of raw coconut sugar and some lime. Delicious and easy! Today I had a day for myself. Very needed! I cannot recall last time that happened to be all by myself! The rest of the family is having a forest adventure.Today I didn't bake, as you can see, but we have a small gathering next week and I really hope it gets a bit fresher or they will see this cake on their plates! Happy sat night!! . "
-- @silvia_salvialimone

To make this "cake" start with a large watermelon. From the center, cut a 2 inch base. Then using one of the remaining halves, cut a 3-4 inch slice and carefully cut away the rind. Use a pairing knife to create smooth even sides. This layer should be about 1 inch smaller in diamater than the base. Place on top of base. Finally, repeat the process for the final layer, which should be about 2 inches smaller in diamater than the first layer. Add this to the first layer and decorate with berries or fruit of choice. Chill until ready to serve. 

@silvia_salvialimone makes a sauce for her cake out of extra virgin coconut oil, a sprinkle of raw coconut sugar and some lime.