New York Sour Cocktail

"New York Sour, a classic, nice and tasty drink, with ingredients you already have at home. Why not prepare one now "
-- @quaffmagazine

New York Sour 


5 cl (1,7 oz.) Whisky, Rye or Bourbon

2 cl (0,7 oz.) Lemon Juice

1.5 cl (0,5 oz.) Simple Syrup

1 dash of Egg White

2 cl (0,7 oz.) Red Wine


Fill your cocktail shaker with ice and add the whiskey, lemon juice, simple syrup and egg white (if using). Vigorously shake for about a minute, the shaker will get frosty on the outside when it’s ready. Fill a rocks glass with ice, and strain whiskey mixture over (reserving a bit of the egg foam, if using).

Now the tricky part, layering the wine. Take a tablespoon and slowly pour the red wine over the back of it creating a ‘float’ over the whiskey mixture. The slower you go here the better. (If you’ve ever made a black and tan, it’s a similar technique).

Add a little egg foam on top if you wish and garnish with the orange zest. Cheers!