Eggless macarons

"An easy to follow recipe for the chicest eggless macarons that are delicate, chewy and crisp."
-- @noasmodernkitchen
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  • Recipe Card
Prep time 1hr
Cook time 30mins
Serves or Makes: 8

Recipe Card


  • 38 ml aquafina
  • 34 grams caster sugar
  • 55 grams icing sugar
  • 55 grams almond flour
  • 4 drops food colouring


  • Step 1

    Line a baking sheet with 2 sheets of parchment paper. You can trace 1.5″ diameter circles onto the parchment paper in order to help you pipe the shells later. Leave a small gap between each circle, although the shells shouldn’t spread.

  • Step 2

    Sieve the almond flour and icing sugar into a bowl, and set aside.

  • Step 3

    In a very clean glass bowl, whisk the aquafaba on a low speed until its foamy, this will only take a minute. Slowly add in the caster sugar, in around 4 batches, whisking well between each addition.

  • Step 4

    Continue whisking the aquafaba on a high speed until it forms soft peaks. This will take around 4 minutes. Add in a few drops of food colouring.

  • Step 5

    Continue to whisk until the aquafaba forms stiff peaks, which should take another 4 minutes. The aquafaba is done when you tip the bowl upside down, and the peaks remain in tact in the bowl.

  • Step 6

    Add the sieved icing sugar and almond flour into the bowl. Using a spatula, gently fold the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients. Fold until the mixture is flowing and drops off the spatula like a thick syrup. STOP folding at this point, so as to not over mix the batter.

  • Step 7

    Spoon the batter into a piping bag, fitted with a round piping tip.

  • Step 8

    Pipe rounds of around 1.5″ in diameter onto the baking tray. You should have enough batter for around 16 shells. They should be around 1cm in height. You can pipe the shells by gently squeezing a large blob with the piping bag and pushing out the blob with the piping tip.

  • Step 9

    Rap the tray onto the counter top to remove any air bubbles. Leave the shells to dry out for around 30 minutes. Preheat the oven to 140c (or 100c if your oven runs hot).

  • Step 10

    The shells are ready to cook when they are dry to touch, and they have lost their tackiness. Place the macarons into the oven, and bake for 30 minutes.

  • Step 11

    Allow to completely cool. Using a piping bag and the same tip, fill one shell with jam, buttercream or chocolate ganache. Sandwich with another shell, to make 1 perfect eggless macaron.

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