Miso Cured Egg Yolk

"Happy Sunday! Don’t these miso cured egg yolks look happy and sunny? I just love they way they look and taste. A little bit goes a long way in flavoring anything you want to sprinkle a little something special on. I put this on some buttery toast. #misoeggs #eggyolks #curedeggs #misotempehnatto #miso #misocuredyolk @thefeedfeed #thefeedfeed #fermented"
-- @kirstenkshockey
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  • Recipe Card
Prep time: 730hrs
Serves or Makes: 2

Recipe Card


  • 2 eggs
  • 2 cups white miso, divided


  • Step 1

    In a small bowl, separate the yolks from the whites, discarding whites or keeping for another use.

  • Step 2

    In an air tight, resealable container, fill with 1 1/2 cups of miso, leaving two wells for the egg yolks. Gently place yolks into wells and cover with remaining 1/2 cup of miso. Make sure both yolks are completely covered.

  • Step 3

    Refrigerate for one month.

  • Step 4

    Once cured, bake yolks at 180°F for 15 minutes. Remove from oven and allow to cool completely.

  • Step 5

    With a microplane, grate over pastas, salads, and soups for the perfect umami topping. Keep yolks wrapped tightly in plastic in the refrigerator until ready for use.